Seattle Children’s Free Online Mindfulness Groups for Parents and Caregivers

A team of parent leaders and partners from Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic and the Arc of King County have created a culturally relevant mindfulness and compassion program. Join them for an opportunity to connect with other parents and share strategies to cope with challenges. They offer weekly drop-ins on Wednesdays, Soul Sundays for the Black Community, and short meditations in Spanish and English.

Drop-in Session: Inner Allies: Meditation for Resilience and Refuge

This session will guide participants in building a mini “toolkit” of self-compassion meditations. These meditations can be revisited over and over for comfort, joy, rest, strength and clarity. CCFW is pleased to offer these drop-in sessions for free. We welcome contributions to our Mindfulness Outreach Support Fund to increase the accessibility of our paid courses and

Synchrony and the neurobiology of human attachments

Synchrony – the coordination of biological and behavioral processes between children and their caregivers during moments of social contact – provides the basis for social connectedness and charts a central process in the development of stress management, empathy, and the development of the “affiliative brain”.