Drop-in Session: Gratitude and Recommitment to a Compassionate Life

Diane Hetrick

About this Event

This session will include some time to reflect with gratitude about the compassion we have given and received this past year. By slowing down, and offering gratitude, we help wire in the positive associations of having a compassion practice. We will also learn more about a variety of ways to continue to cultivate compassion, and recommit to living a compassionate life in 2022.


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About the Presenter

Photo of facilitator Diane Hetrick

Diane Hetrick

Diane Hetrick has been studying and practicing in the areas of mind-body healing, mindfulness, meditation, and compassion cultivation most of her adult life. She completed the Certificate in Mindfulness Facilitation training through the Mindfulness Awareness Research Center (MARC) at UCLA. After completing the Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) Teacher Certification Program, offered through the Center for Compassion, Altruism, Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford, she became one of the first certified CCT teachers in the Seattle area.

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