Drop-in Session: Fueling Our Self-Compassion as We Support Others

Diane Hetrick

About this Event

Many of us are trying hard to help support others right now, whether our kids, coworkers, family, neighbors, friends. We know that as humans, we can help support each other’s nervous system regulation by ‘being with’. Yet sometimes, we realize that our nervous system needs refueling. This is where the practice of self-compassion can be helpful. We’ll explore ways to tend to ourselves, through a variety of options including compassionate images and phrases during our meditation, and other resources to access in the day-to-day.


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About the Presenter

Photo of facilitator Diane Hetrick

Diane Hetrick

Diane Hetrick has been studying and practicing in the areas of mind-body healing, mindfulness, meditation, and compassion cultivation most of her adult life. She completed the Certificate in Mindfulness Facilitation training through the Mindfulness Awareness Research Center (MARC) at UCLA. After completing the Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) Teacher Certification Program, offered through the Center for Compassion, Altruism, Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford, she became one of the first certified CCT teachers in the Seattle area.

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