Dr. Kevin King and Matthew Vaughn tested whether differences in three impulsivity traits moderated associations of reasoned and reactive (prototype) pathway variables on expectation/willingness to drink and recent alcohol use.
Traumatic stress symptoms in children exposed to intimate partner violence: The role of parent emotion socialization and children’s emotion regulation abilities
Dr. Lynn Katz examined maternal emotion socialization and children’s emotion regulation as a pathway that may protect IPV‐exposed children from developing PTSS and depression.
Relations of growth in effortful control to family income, cumulative risk, and adjustment in preschool-age children
In this study, Drs. Lengua and Thompson examined growth in effortful control in relation to income, cumulative risk, and adjustment in 306 preschool-age children from families representing a range of income.
Emotion regulation, internalizing symptoms and somatic complaints in pediatric survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia
In this study, Dr. Lynn Katz and colleagues aimed to examine whether respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA)—a physiological index of children’s emotion regulation—moderates the relation between cancer diagnosis and internalizing problems in children.
Posttraumatic stress and emotion regulation in survivors of intimate partner violence
In this study, Drs. Lynn Katz and Kyrill Gurtovenko examined child’s emotion regulation as a moderator and mother’s emotion regulation as a mediator of the relation between mother PTSS and child adjustment.
Maternal directiveness in childhood survivors of acute lympohoblastic leukemia
In this study, Dr. Lynn Katz tested whether cancer survivorship moderates the relation between maternal directiveness—one aspect of intrusiveness—and children’s internalizing problems.