This brief is a result of a CCFW Research to Real World Forum. When the primary attachment relationship is secure, children are more likely to have a range of positive outcomes, including empathy, curiosity, adaptive emotional regulation…
Focus Area: Child & Youth Well-Being & Resilience
Policy Brief: Laying a Foundation for Academic, Social & Emotional Competence: Promoting Effortful Control
This brief is a result of a CCFW Research to Real World Forum. Effortful control, a core of self-regulation, has been shown to predict academic, social, and emotional success in both typical and at-risk children. In fact, it is a more robust predictor of early academic and social success than early verbal skills…
Early Adversity and the Neurobehavioral Development of Children, Part 1

Dr. Liliana Lengua examines how familial and social factors associated with adversity can shape children’s brain development as well as promising programs that promote their resilience.
Family Values and Culture in the Successful Adjustment of Ethnic Minority Adolescents

Dr. Ana Mari Cauce, President of the University of Washington, discusses African and Mexican-American parenting styles and how they serve to hinder or help adolescent adjustment.