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Stress Check: Tune Into Yourself (15 minutes)

This practice helps you tune into yourself, as well as strengthen the mind’s ability for sustained focus by shifting awareness throughout the body, led by Ann Hollar.

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Stress Check: Tune Into Yourself (10 minutes)

This practice helps you tune into yourself, as well as strengthen the mind’s ability for sustained focus by shifting awareness throughout the body, led by Blair Carleton.

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Stress Check: Tune Into Yourself (5 minutes)

This practice helps you tune into yourself, as well as strengthen the mind’s ability for sustained focus by shifting awareness throughout the body, led by Blair Carleton.

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+2 Breathing (5 minutes)

This practice focuses on slowing down your exhalation, which can promote a sense of calm and relaxation, led by Diane Hetrick.

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Tuning into the Senses (7 minutes)

This practice promotes awareness of your sensory experiences, which can be helpful for tuning into the moment, led by Robyn Long.

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Wise Mind Breathing (5 minutes)

This practice helps you connect with Wise Mind, where Emotional Mind and Rational Mind are held in balance, led by Diane Hetrick.

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Participant Engagement in and Perspectives on a web-based mindfulness intervention for 9-1-1 telecommunicators: Multimethod study

In this study, CCFW staff member Becca Calhoun and Academic Partner Dr. India Ornelas analyzed several aspects of participant engagement in a Web-based workplace MBI designed to reduce stress and increase mindfulness in 9-1-1 telecommunicators. 

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Adverse childhood experiences to adult adversity trends among parents: Socioeconomic, health, and developmental implications

In this study, CCFW Academic Partners examine patterns of adult adversity in parents who were exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACES).

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Culture, Context, and Positive Adaptation of U.S. Latinx Youth

Dr. Gonzales examines how contextual and cultural experiences of Latinx youth provide unique challenges and opportunities for positive development.

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Zero to Three “Getting Started with Mindfulness: A Toolkit for Early Childhood Organizations”

Our partners at Zero to Three developed a mindfulness toolkit to support professionals working with children and families.

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