Harvard Center on the Developing Child: IDEAS Impact Framework

Ideas Impact Framework

This toolkit is meant to be a self-guided, self-paced training, ideal for anyone involved in the development, implementation, or evaluation of programs for children and families and interested in learning how to go beyond the best of what the field has achieved so far. The suggested activities can be completed individually but are best done as a team.

Early-childhood temperament moderates the prospective associations of coping with adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms

CCFW’s team published this article in Frontiers in Psychology. While appraisal and coping are known to impact adolescent psychopathology, more vulnerable or resilient responses to stress may depend on individual temperament. This study examined early life temperament as a moderator of the prospective relations of pre-adolescent appraisal and coping with adolescent psychopathology.

CAI Training: Building Capacity for Addressing Maternal Depression

Cai Logo

CAI developed this free training package to increase confidence and skills needed to recognize and respond to maternal depression. The training will bolster the ability of a non-licensed, community-based workforce to support and educate clients with maternal depression to increase awareness and reduce stigma.

MHLIC Maternal Health Repository


MHLIC serves as a national hub to connect maternal health learners with maternal health “doers” across the country, cataloging and disseminating best practices related to maternal health improvement. Their team works diligently to collect the best training and other resources to make them available on this page.