Parents and Teens on Screens

Parents And Teens On Screens Panel Headshots

This webinar will include a panel of experts discussing parents’, teens’, and preteens’ digital technology and social media use and its relation to mental health. Panel members will be asked to discuss current patterns of social media use by parents and youth, and share about the potential for both positive and detrimental effects of social media, including the role of technology and social media in supporting social connectedness and awareness, while also contributing to mental health challenges. Panelists will suggest approaches to social media use that incorporate mindfulness and support well-being. 

Preliminary Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Perinatal Mindfulness-Based Well-Being and Parenting Programs for Low-Income New Mothers

This CCFW multidisciplinary collaboration demonstrated the effectiveness of perinatal mindfulness and parenting programs in supporting maternal and infant mental health. We are grateful for the participation of the new mothers who contributed to this project. Lengua, L.J., Thompson, S.F., Calhoun, R. et al. Preliminary Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Perinatal Mindfulness-Based Well-Being and Parenting Programs for Low-Income

Utilizing Family Skills as a Protective Shield for Families Living Through War, Displacement and Other Challenging Contexts

Aala El Khani Featured

Parenting can be challenging at the best of times, let alone parenting children through war or refugee contexts. Global conflicts entail many changes for children and their families, with the potential for acute and longer-term impact on well-being and mental health. What can we do to help? Effective parenting can act as a protective shield against the difficulties that children face in challenging times.

Caring for Children through Conflict and Displacement

Caring For Children

This PDF booklet for caregiving in conflict settings has been developed by Professor Rachel Calam, Dr Aala El-Khani and Dr Kim Cartwright. This booklet is also available in Malay, Myanmar, Pashto, Russian, Ukranian, and Vietnamese.