Drop-in Session: Mostly Qigong: De-Stress and Re-Energize Through Mindful Movement

Most of us are experiencing a deep mental, emotional, and physical fatigue during these very strange times. On top of our usual daily stress, there are new stressors to juggle: fear of the virus, the loneliness of physical distancing from family and loved ones, figuring out childcare and schoolwork, computer fatigue from working from home, and the relentless stress felt by our frontline workforce. Learning how to metabolize this stress is key to well-being. Mindful movement is one of the many tools to increase resilience and simply give ourselves a much needed break.

Drop-in Session: Rooted in Compassion

Compassion is a good place to develop roots to support your mindfulness practice and to support taking action in your life that is aligned with your values. We will have time to explore the many aspects of compassion, and how to develop more compassionate roots. and then have time for guided meditation practice. This drop-in session is designed to be useful for those new to mindfulness meditation, as well as those who have been meditating for a while and wish to develop a deeper grounding for your practice.

We Are the Medicine: Possibilities for Flourishing Through Difficult Times

This session will present new research and approaches to promote child and family well-being using a positive approach to health that fosters self, family and community-led healing of the trauma and adversity concentrated in many of our families and communities today.Β  The opportunity is enormous to build on strengths, work together to identify priorities,Β and partner in flourishing.Β Mindsets that prioritize possibilities, foster a sense of mattering,Β and support mindfulness and relational skills-building are essential to shift the narrative from trauma and toxic stress to the possibilities for relational health and flourishing for all children and families.