For Parents

Resources for supporting effective parenting, as well as your own well-being.

The Promise of the Healing-Centered Paradigm in Education

Acosta Headshot Featured

Drawing on extensive doctoral research and professional practice, this lecture with Dr. Angel Acosta invites participants into an exploration of how practitioners and scholars have deliberately integrated the notion of healing into K-12 curricula and professional education. 

MHLIC Maternal Health Repository


MHLIC serves as a national hub to connect maternal health learners with maternal health “doers” across the country, cataloging and disseminating best practices related to maternal health improvement. Their team works diligently to collect the best training and other resources to make them available on this page.

Caring for Children through Conflict and Displacement

Caring For Children

This PDF booklet for caregiving in conflict settings has been developed by Professor Rachel Calam, Dr Aala El-Khani and Dr Kim Cartwright. This booklet is also available in Malay, Myanmar, Pashto, Russian, Ukranian, and Vietnamese.