We curated a list of books to inspire discussions about what it means to be present and compassionate.
Awareness of Thoughts (10 minutes)
This guided practice allows you to become familiar with your mind’s patterns, which is a foundation to strengthening mindfulness and resilience, led by Ann Hollar.
CCFW Emotions and Stress Handout
This list helps strengthen emotional literacy in adults and children alike; it includes synonyms for feelings, physical sensations, and sources of stress.
Tuning into the Breath (5 minutes)
This practice helps you become familiar with your breath’s patterns, which can be an anchor for awareness; led by Robyn Long.
Soften, Sooth, Allow Meditation (10 minutes)
This meditation strengthens your ability to be with difficult emotions and builds self-compassion, led by Blair Carleton.
Peace & Kindness Meditation (15 minutes)
This practice, also known as Loving Kindness, promotes compassion and self-compassion, led by Diane Hetrick.