This practice helps you connect with Wise Mind, where Emotional Mind and Rational Mind are held in balance, led by Diane Hetrick.
Zero to Three “Getting Started with Mindfulness: A Toolkit for Early Childhood Organizations”

Our partners at Zero to Three developed a mindfulness toolkit to support professionals working with children and families.
Making Mindfulness Stick with Kids and Teens

Dr. Christopher Willard provides an overview of mindfulness concepts and multiple examples of practices and strategies for parents and professionals to share with children and teens.
Be in the Pause Practice (7 minutes)
This guided breathing practice invites you to pause and connect with your internal wisdom, led by Robyn Long.
Creating Authentic Relationships with Youth and Sharing Trauma-Informed Mindfulness

Dr. Sam Himelstein offers perspectives on defining and sharing mindfulness in an innovative and relevant way for providers working with youth, including teaching formal meditation.
Mindful Parenting

Drs. Liliana Lengua and Suzanne Kerns, University of Denver, offer tips on how to bring mindfulness into your everyday interactions with your child.