Child Trends Toolkit for Child Welfare Agencies to Help Young People Heal and Thrive During and After Natural Disasters

Child Trends

This Child Trends Toolkit is for child welfare staff, supervisors, and administrators who work with and on behalf of children, youth, and families who experience a natural disaster. The information and resources included in the Toolkit provide evidence- and trauma-informed guidance for promoting positive outcomes for children and youth who experience natural disasters. The complete version of this toolkit, including full references, is available in English or Spanish.

Child Trends Toolkit for Juvenile Justice Agencies to Help Young People Heal and Thrive During and After Natural Disasters

Child Trends

Child Trends has created this Toolkit is for juvenile justice staff, supervisors, and administrators who work with and on behalf of children, youth, and families who experience a natural disaster. The information and resources included in the Toolkit provide evidence- and trauma-informed guidance for promoting positive outcomes for children and youth who experience natural disasters. The complete version of this toolkit, including full references, is available in English or Spanish.

Seattle Children’s Programa Apapachos del Alma

Children's Spanish Team

Estas clases gratuitas por internet buscan que tengamos la oportunidad de sacar un espacio para cuidarnos a nosotros mismos. Cuando cuidamos de nosotros mismos, estamos cuidando de los demás. Los grupos son dirigidos a madres, padres y otros familiares de niños de diferentes edades, dependiendo del curso.

Seattle Children’s Free Online Mindfulness Groups for Parents and Caregivers

Odessa Brown Mindfulness Group

A team of parent leaders and partners from Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic and the Arc of King County have created a culturally relevant mindfulness and compassion program. Join them for an opportunity to connect with other parents and share strategies to cope with challenges. They offer weekly drop-ins on Wednesdays, Soul Sundays for the Black Community, and short meditations in Spanish and English.