Discover the risks mindfulness practice holds for trauma survivors so you can keep your students and clients safe. Access this free 60-minute on-demand webinar by David Treleaven.
Focus Area: Cultivating Mindfulness & Compassion
Short Course in Mindful Self-Compassion

Mindful Self-Compassion or “MSC” is an empirically-supported program developed by Drs. Chris Germer and Kristin Neff. This 6-week version has been adapted as an intimate online offering. In this 6-week program, participants will meet once a week for 1.5 hours and will learn MSC skills through activities such as meditation, experiential exercises, short presentations, group discussion, and home practices. No experience with mindfulness or meditation is required.
Drop-in Session: Aplicando la Atención Plena en la Vida Diaria

En esta sesión compartiremos tips y herramientas que nos ayudarán a aplicar mindfulness en nuestras vidas de manera formal e informal.
Guided Mindfulness & Compassion Practices

This PDF includes hyperlinks to all of our guided audio recordings in English and Spanish.
From Ally to Antiracist: Cultivating and Committing to Action in the Face of Life’s Obstacles

In this course, we will lead participants through a series of weekly mindfulness action-exercises that address obstacles and translate antiracist values into everyday action. Each week, we will share important research findings from psychological science that provide the foundations for exercises that cultivate growth, awareness, empathy, and action. Participants will collaborate with their peers, building community and trust as they share their goals and challenges with each other. Through direct and compassionate dialogue, participants will develop skills needed to address racism in the moment and apply the principles of anti-racism in their day-to-day lives.
Short Course in Mindful Self-Compassion

Mindful Self-Compassion or “MSC” is an empirically-supported program developed by Drs. Chris Germer and Kristin Neff. This 6-week version has been adapted as an intimate online offering. In this 6-week program, participants will meet once a week and will learn MSC skills through activities such as meditation, experiential exercises, short presentations, group discussion, and home practices. No experience with mindfulness or meditation is required.