How might we bring the qualities of mindfulness and resilience to our day-to-day relationships with family, friends and coworkers, even strangers? During this one-hour drop-in, we’ll consider how mindfulness and resilience can help us support others and ourselves, enhancing our relationships and bringing us deeper connections and presence. We’ll get an opportunity to explore this topic together, with guided practice and time for discussion.
Focus Area: Cultivating Mindfulness & Compassion
Short Course in Mindful Self-Compassion
In this 6-week program, participants will meet once a week for 1.5 hours and will learn MSC skills through activities such as meditation, experiential exercises, short presentations, group discussion, and home practices. No experience with mindfulness or meditation is required.
Mindful Resilience: Managing and Thriving with Stress and Challenges
We’re sorry, this course has been cancelled. View our Events Calendar for other CCFW courses, workshops, and drop-ins.
We Are the Medicine: Possibilities for Flourishing Through Difficult Times
This session will present new research and approaches to promote child and family well-being using a positive approach to health that fosters self, family and community-led healing of the trauma and adversity concentrated in many of our families and communities today. The opportunity is enormous to build on strengths, work together to identify priorities, and partner in flourishing. Mindsets that prioritize possibilities, foster a sense of mattering, and support mindfulness and relational skills-building are essential to shift the narrative from trauma and toxic stress to the possibilities for relational health and flourishing for all children and families.
Self-Compassion for Children and Caregivers
This 6-week live-online class is for parents/caregivers and children 7-10. Each session lasts one hour and involves mindful movement, mindfulness and self-compassion mini-lessons and practices, and ends with a game. Parent/caregivers and child participate together so you both learn (and grow up) at the same time!
Mindful Self-Compassion
A scientifically-based program that enhances physical and mental well-being, as well as relationships with others. Participants will learn ways to apply awareness and self-kindness in their daily life through experiential exercises, short talks, and interactive group discussions.