Drop-in Session: Introduction to Mindful Self-Compassion

Lisa Baldini Joel Grow Featured

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) combines the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion to enhance our capacity for emotional wellbeing. MSC cultivates inner strength, self-acceptance, and a wider perspective of common humanity, to promote personal growth and stronger relationships with others. Join us for an hour-long introduction to these practices. We’ll provide an overview of MSC, and guide a couple of MSC practices. No previous mindfulness experience is necessary.

Drop-in Session: Looking Back With Gratitude to Move Forward

Tyneshia Featured

Gratitude supports resistance and resilience by reminding us that we are enough and that where we are at, right now, is enough. Gratitude for what we have also acknowledges where we’ve come from and the work we’ve put into our paths. Gratitude can guide us back to thinking about the people that support and uplift us. Please join this drop-in session for gratitude practice, and a discussion about affirmations, gratitude, and values.

Day of Respite: A Retreat

Photo of facilitator Diane Hetrick

Inspired by Days of Mindfulness, from MBSR and Mindful Self-Compassion classes, this Day of Respite, a 6-hour retreat, is meant to nourish and nurture those whose work or life activities bring them in contact with difficulty and suffering. We will use mindfulness and compassion practices to guide us during the day. The experience is designed to be one of deep welcoming, acceptance, rest, and compassionate care.

Drop-in Session: Giving and Receiving Compassion: Caring for Others without Losing Ourselves

Ccfw Elizabeth Lin Featured

How can we maintain our calm and continue to be caring during these times of worldwide turmoil and distress? Caring for others requires caring for oneself. Research demonstrates the many benefits of compassion practices in reducing depression, anxiety, and empathetic distress. This workshop will include didactic practices as well as two compassionate practices: Giving and Receiving Compassion and Compassion with Equanimity.

All The Feels: A 5-day Mindfulness Retreat for Teens

Teen Retreat Featured

This week-long, experiential program for high school students is based on the evidenced-based curriculum of Mindful Self Compassion, the Mindful Schools curriculum, and principles of positive psychology.  During this week, we will spend time practicing mindfulness through many senses and avenues; creative projects; connect with each other through discussions and age-appropriate games; spend time outdoors, and do some gentle movement. Mindfulness practices have been studied and shown to help manage stress, increase feelings of well-being, and promote emotional resilience.