Child directed play (CDP) is a special form of one-to-one play between you and your child in which your child directs and leads. Using CDP during these times can strengthen relationships and enhance positive interactions.
Content Type: Website
Resources for talking with children about race and racism

This list of webinars, websites and books support conversations in homes and classrooms about race and racism.
Social Justice Mindfulness Resources

Mindfulness resources we recommend for supporting the inner growth and external action for social justice.
Information About Research Activities During COVID-19

As all of you know, Governor Inslee issued a “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” proclamation strengthening mandates already in place to encourage social distancing, a crucial measure for slowing the spread of COVID-19.
Supporting Well-Being during the COVID-19 Crisis

This page displays our favorite resources for strengthening your resilience and connecting with children amidst the challenges associated with COVID-19.
Mindfulness in Sign Language

These resources offer mindfulness practices in sign language, including yoga poses, breathing, and meditation.