We created these animated graphics so you can pause, take a deep breath and slow down.
Animated Images to Inspire Deeper Breathing

We created these animated graphics so you can pause, take a deep breath and slow down.
In this session, participants will experience a gentle yoga sequence with postures that can soothe the nervous system and promote relaxation.
In this world, we receive so many messages about our shortcomings. How we internalize that impacts how we treat others and ourselves. As life long learners we have the opportunity to unpack this. In this session, we will collectively unpack these topics and explore tools for self-compassion that can support us and remind us that
This session will guide participants in building a mini “toolkit” of self-compassion meditations. These meditations can be revisited over and over for comfort, joy, rest, strength and clarity. CCFW is pleased to offer these drop-in sessions for free. We welcome contributions to our Mindfulness Outreach Support Fund to increase the accessibility of our paid courses and
In this practice, we will cultivate our capacity for compassion and care by extending phrases of loving-kindness for ourselves and others.
During this pandemic, awareness of positive experiences and events in our daily lives are even more important. We can train our heart and mind to recognize the positive and perceive reality in a more balanced and healthful way.