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Resources for talking with children about race and racism

This list of webinars, websites and books support conversations in homes and classrooms about race and racism.

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Social Justice Mindfulness Resources

Mindfulness resources we recommend for supporting the inner growth and external action for social justice.

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Mindful Breathing Practices for Children

These playful breathing activities are excellent ways to introduce children to practices that strengthen their awareness.

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The Peace & Kindness Practice for Children

This practice can help children feel connected to people they love and expand their circle of compassion. We created a script for you to use when sharing with children.

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Animated Images to Inspire Deeper Breathing

We created these animated graphics so you can pause, take a deep breath and slow down.

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Information About Research Activities During COVID-19

As all of you know, Governor Inslee issued a “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” proclamation strengthening mandates already in place to encourage social distancing, a crucial measure for slowing the spread of COVID-19.

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Supporting Well-Being during the COVID-19 Crisis

This page displays our favorite resources for strengthening your resilience and connecting with children amidst the challenges associated with COVID-19.

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The Biology of Love: Synchrony and the Affiliative Brain in Health and Psychopathology

Dr. Ruth Feldman discusses several aspects of her conceptual model and research, including synchrony, the oxytocin system, the mother-infant bond and research on the paternal brain.

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Mindfulness in Sign Language

These resources offer mindfulness practices in sign language, including yoga poses, breathing, and meditation.

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Mindfulness & Compassion Books for Children

We curated a list of books to inspire discussions about what it means to be present and compassionate. 

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