This page displays our favorite resources for strengthening your resilience and connecting with children amidst the challenges associated with COVID-19.
The Biology of Love: Synchrony and the Affiliative Brain in Health and Psychopathology
Dr. Ruth Feldman discusses several aspects of her conceptual model and research, including synchrony, the oxytocin system, the mother-infant bond and research on the paternal brain.
Mindfulness in Sign Language
These resources offer mindfulness practices in sign language, including yoga poses, breathing, and meditation.
Mindfulness & Compassion Books for Children
We curated a list of books to inspire discussions about what it means to be present and compassionate.
Awareness of Thoughts (10 minutes)
This guided practice allows you to become familiar with your mind’s patterns, which is a foundation to strengthening mindfulness and resilience, led by Ann Hollar.
CCFW Emotions and Stress Handout
This list helps strengthen emotional literacy in adults and children alike; it includes synonyms for feelings, physical sensations, and sources of stress.