Do you find yourself waking up these days wondering what is next, and how will you manage it? These are times of uncertainty, stress and challenge for many of us. Join this call with Diane Hetrick, who will share some simple and useful tools and practices to help us connect with our compassionate and resilient
To live our life more fully and purposefully, we can benefit from being aware of physical sensations, thoughts and emotions that are occurring in the moment. This session will include practices to cultivate whole-being awareness through a compassionate body scan and Qi Gong.
Most of us are experiencing a deep mental, emotional, and physical fatigue during these very strange times. On top of our usual daily stress, there are new stressors to juggle: fear of the virus, the loneliness of physical distancing from family and loved ones, figuring out childcare and schoolwork, computer fatigue from working from home, and the relentless stress felt by our frontline workforce. Learning how to metabolize this stress is key to well-being. Mindful movement is one of the many tools to increase resilience and simply give ourselves a much needed break.
The mind can race into the future or dwell in the past, but our bodies are always in the here and now. This session will focus on a series of brief body awareness practices that can ground us in the present moment. Being with our bodies, just as they are, can be a radical act
Acceptance can be a powerful and liberating practice, both while meditating, and in day to day life. It’s useful to discern the difference between acceptance and resignation, especially when we face challenges. This hour long session will include a short arriving meditation, a brief sharing on the qualities of acceptance, and then we will work
In this session we will begin to build or strengthen our existing practice by bringing a moment of mindfulness before the end of the day.